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The 9 Most Iconic Maltese Siblings

Iconic Maltese Siblings


Check out our favourite and most iconic local siblings:


The Losco sisters


The Losco sisters on Christmas, family traditions & major life events


Keith & Fabian Demicoli



Kevin Paul & Kurt Calleja


No photo description available.


The Micallef siblings



Claudia & Fabrizio Faniello


Bħall-inbid fin, tikber u titjieb" - Claudia lil Fabrizio f'għeluq sninu - Newsbook


The Bezzina siblings


Celebrating Mother's Day with seven children – Sonia Bezzina and Victoria Borg's stories - The Malta Independent


The New Victorians


The New Victorians (@TheNewVics) / Twitter


Hermann & Karl Bonaci


May be an image of 2 people and people standing


Clare & Pauline Agius


No photo description available.


Which Maltese siblings are your favourite?