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Things Maltese People Are Sick Of Hearing

Please stop asking us these😭 Here are some annoying questions every Maltese person has been asked at least once in their life: “Do you have greenery?” “Do you make Maltesers?” “How does a 15 minute drive turn into a 1 hour drive?” “Why do you keep taking part in Eurovision?” “Are you all related to […]

Maltese Childhood Games We All Loved Playing

Which game was your favourite?🏃‍♂️     These beloved Maltese childhood games were a staple in our childhood🤩 Leapfrog Tug of war Passju Il-qbiz tal-lastiku Marbles From leapfrog to tug of war, these classic games will remain Maltese favourites🥰      

5 Things Every Maltese Person Loves

Tell us which of these is your favourite👇🏽 Nanna’s cooking Pastizzi Going crazy when ‘Sweet Caroline’ starts playing Black Friday deals Acting as a 24/7 surveillance camera What are other things you love?

UK Designer Creates Shirt From Maltese Tablecloth

Do you remember your nanna using one of these? 🤩   Pikol Clothing, a London-based artisan label specializing in repurposing vintage textiles, has ingeniously transformed a Maltese vintage souvenir cloth into a distinctive shirt, complemented by antique handwoven French linen. This extraordinary creation features a meticulously crafted shirt adorned with a map showcasing the exquisite […]

Maltese Personalities As Their Cartoon Lookalikes

Maltese Personalities Cartoon Lookalikes

  Introducing Maltese personalities and their cartoon lookalikes! ⁠ You guys loved last week’s Bay personalities as their cartoon lookalikes – so this week we picked local faces you’ll surely recognize. ⁠ Check them out here:                      

Iconic Phrases You Hear In Every Maltese Office

Phrases Maltese Office

  We’re certain you’ve heard this phrases at work before – or even said them yourself!     Check out some of the funniest and most iconic office phrases!   1. Għandi ngħas   2. Nista’ nitlaq kmieni?   3. Inġibu take-away illum?     4. Tlaqna coffee break?   5. Taf xi smajt dalgħodu! […]

Iconic Sisters We Love From Maltese T.V. Shows

Sisters Maltese T.V. Shows

  Which local T.V. sisters were your favourite?   From Strada Stretta to One Star Hotel, these iconic sisters were the highlight of Maltese television.   So what better way to remind you of some of our favourites than on World Sister’s Day.   Check them out below:            

56% Of Maltese People Say Our Economy Is Doing Well

Maltese People Economy

  56% of Maltese said Malta’s economy and the financial situation at home is doing well.     However, inflation was considered the biggest challenge faced by Maltese people.   This data came from a recent Eurobarometer survey about life in the EU during Spring.   The survey was carried out during last June.   […]

7 Things We Love About Maltese Summers

Love Maltese Summers

  If you’re a local looking for ways to spend your summer in Malta or someone looking for reasons to give the islands a visit, this is for you!     Check out all the things we love about summers in Malta:   Malta is ideal for beach hopping     The perfect instagrammable spots […]

Latest Updates On The Missing Titanic Submarine

Today, banging from inside the submarine was heard.     In the North Atlantic, an extensive search and rescue mission is currently underway following the disappearance of a submersible that was engaged in exploring the Titanic wreck on Sunday.   During its dive, the Titan sub, manned by a crew from the research vessel Polar […]

Maltese Fathers We Love With Their Children

Maltese Fathers Children

  To celebrate Father’s Day, we decided to round up some of Malta’s most legendary fathers we know and love!   Check them out here:   Pierre Cordina     Ian Lang     Keith Demicoli      Gianluca Bezzina     Hermann Bonaci     Ben Camille    

People Understand English More Than Maltese In Malta

According to a recently published skills survey in Malta, a higher proportion of individuals comprehend English compared to Maltese.       The survey, which examined language skills, revealed that 96% of respondents reported understanding English, while 90% indicated comprehension of Maltese. Additionally, 62% of participants stated they understand Italian.   Interestingly, individuals aged 25 […]

Phrases Every Maltese Mum Has Said To Her Child

Phrases Maltese Mum Child

  We’re 100% sure these phrases were said to you, or you’ve heard them before!     Check out 8 phrases every Maltese mum has said to her child:   1. Jekk taqa’ nkompli ntik   2. Inġib iċ-ċintorin?   3. Saqsi lil missierek!   4. Ġej il-babaw   5. Il-ħbieb sal-bieb   6. Kollha […]

The 9 Most Iconic Maltese Siblings

Iconic Maltese Siblings

  Check out our favourite and most iconic local siblings:   The Losco sisters     Keith & Fabian Demicoli     Kevin Paul & Kurt Calleja     The Micallef siblings     Claudia & Fabrizio Faniello     The Bezzina siblings     The New Victorians     Hermann & Karl Bonaci   […]

WATCH: 8 Iconic Maltese TV Show Theme Songs

Iconic Maltese TV Theme Songs

  If you miss these Maltese TV shows as much as we do, we’ll help you remember them with their iconic theme songs!     Check out these theme songs from our 8 favourite local TV shows:                   Do you remember any of these shows?