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Man Pays €170K To Become 5 Inches Taller

short man surgery taller


There’s still some hope for Jamie then 😅



A man from Minneapolis, Minnesota, who had been struggling with self-doubt over his 5ft5in height for years, has undergone “excruciatingly painful” leg surgery to add five inches to his stature.


Moses spent years dealing with unkind comments about his size, whichadmitted ate away at his 'self-confidence' and left him plagued with insecurities that severely effected his dating life. He is seen before the surgeries


Moses Gibson, 41, has been dealing with insecurities that severely affected his dating life since he was 15, when he noticed other boys his age going through growth spurts that he didn’t experience.


short man surgery


Despite trying medications and seeking the help of a ‘spiritual healer’, Moses decided to undergo two cosmetic procedures that cost him $180,000.



Although the surgery was painful, he is now ecstatic with the results.


Would you have surgery to get taller? 👇