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Waitress Hides Note To Save Boy From Abusive Parents

Waitress Note Boy Parents


What a hero!



Following her quick-thinking decision to rescue a young boy from an abusive household, a waitress received a lot of internet praise.


Waitress used 'help sign' to save child from abuse before parents' arrest -  Devon Live


The little kid was the only person at Carvalho’s table of four who did not receive food, and the boy’s stepfather, Timothy Wilson II, reportedly told the waitress that the 11-year-old would eat later at home. But she saw that the boy’s eyebrows had “a big scratch between.”


Carvalho made a handwritten note saying: “Do you need help? Ok.” She then went behind his parents and raised the sign, to which the young boy ‘nodded’ at her.


Florida waitress helps rescue abused boy after noticing his parents didn't  order him food, police say


Carvalho didn’t waste any time in calling the restaurant owner and then the police, expressing her “super concern” for the 11-year-old.


Following this, the stepfather Wilson and mother Kristen Swann were both taken into custody.

