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Waitress Recieves Savage Note From An Angry Wife

Waitress Savage Note Wife

  This woman’s tip was a feisty piece of advice.     A waitress received a nasty note from one of her customers that recently went viral. On the bill, the customer angrily wrote “don’t call my husband sweetheart.”   This note sparked some debate on social media and many sided with the waitress.   […]

Lana Del Rey Spotted Working As A Waitress

How would you react if Lana Del Rey served  you coffee?     In a surprising twist, Lana Del Rey left her fans stunned when she was recently spotted working as a waitress at a Waffle House in Alabama.   The 38-year-old singer took a break from the spotlight and donned the restaurant chain’s blue […]

Waitress Hides Note To Save Boy From Abusive Parents

Waitress Note Boy Parents

  What a hero!     Following her quick-thinking decision to rescue a young boy from an abusive household, a waitress received a lot of internet praise.     The little kid was the only person at Carvalho’s table of four who did not receive food, and the boy’s stepfather, Timothy Wilson II, reportedly told […]