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Banks Stop Loans To Uganda Over Anti LGBTQ Law

Uganda’s Anti LGBTQ bill is having consequences The World Bank has made public its decision to cease providing new loans to Uganda due to the country’s controversial legislation against LGBTQ individuals. The lending institution, headquartered in Washington, DC, declared on Tuesday that it would temporarily halt funding for projects while it assesses the effectiveness of […]

Abortion Allowed With 3 Doctors’ Approval If At Risk

Proposed changes pertaining to abortion access in Malta have been unveiled.       During a recent press conference, Health Minister Chris Fearne announced the new proposals. Fearne stated, “Today, we all acknowledge the importance of saving a woman’s life when it is at risk, and it is crucial that we enact legislation to address […]

Florida Law Allows Death Penalty For Child Rapists

Florida legislature approves death penalty for child sexual abusers 😮   A recent bill endorsed by Florida lawmakers grants the state the authority to impose capital punishment on individuals convicted of sexually abusing minors. This amendment, championed by Governor Ron DeSantis, received bipartisan support and passed with a vote of 34-5 on Tuesday evening, and […]

Uganda New Law Imposes Death Penalty On LGBTQ+

According to BBC News, only two out of 389 legislators voted against the anti-homosexuality bill, which criminalizes homosexuality and punishes those caught in a sexual act with death.   The legislation also criminalizes the promotion and funding of same-sex activities.   Lawmakers argue that the bill is in line with the religious views and beliefs […]