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Qantas Drops Makeup/Heel Rule For Women’s Uniform

No makeup or high heels required!



Qantas Airlines has introduced more flexible uniform regulations, specifically for female flight attendants, allowing them to forgo makeup and high heels.


In a significant departure from previous guidelines, Qantas has decided to update its uniform policies, marking the first time in ten years.


Furthermore, male staff members have been informed that they can grow their hair longer, as long as it is tied up in a bun or ponytail. The revised regulations also permit flight attendants to wear diamond earrings, coloured nail polish, Fitbits or large watches, and different styles of glasses frames.


“We take pride in our diversity, and these updates not only bring our guidelines up to date but also ensure that our uniform is more comfortable and practical for all of our employees, regardless of body type or cultural background,” stated a Qantas representative.


The move follows a previous call from The Australian Services Union (ASU) to former Qantas CEO Alan Joyce, urging him to eliminate gender-biased uniform policies and cultivate a more “diverse and inclusive” work environment.
