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Harvard University Planning On Using A.I. For Teaching


From brains to bots 🤖


Harvard University has unveiled an intriguing plan for the upcoming fall semester, introducing an unexpected twist to one of its esteemed coding classes. Students at this prestigious institution will soon find themselves immersed in a groundbreaking educational experience as the flagship coding course will now be taught with the assistance of an A.I. chatbot.


Professor David Malan, overseeing the course, describes this approach as an “evolution” of the conventional teaching methods employed at the university. By incorporating A.I. chatbots into their curriculum, Harvard University is delving deeper into the unexplored realm of artificial intelligence.

Memorial and Annenberg Halls at Harvard University.

This realm has rapidly expanded and profoundly transformed the landscape of technology over the past few months. While the notion of integrating A.I. chatbots into education may appear fresh and exhilarating, Martin Rand, the co-founder and CEO of PactumAI, offers a word of caution regarding the potential “dangers” associated with this innovation.


Should the University of Malta follow their steps? 🤔

