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81-Yr-Old BFFs Travel The World In 80 Days

81 BFFs Travel World


Ellie Hamby and Sandy Hazelip have returned to their Texas home, exactly 80 days after leaving for their global tour of all seven continents!


Two 81-year-old best friends have begun their expedition around the world


The journey, according to Hamby, was delayed by the pandemic until the 23-year pals reached 81.


She claimed that they spent years planning and had already gone abroad together multiple times. Even still, several questioned whether their idea would ever succeed.



The pals proved them all wrong when they set out for their first stop in Antarctica in January.


Two best friends from Abilene travel around the world at 80 | KTXS


“Actually, Sandy’s the one that came up with the idea. She said, ‘Ellie why don’t we consider traveling around the world in 80 days when we’re 80?’”

