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Man Stays in 5 Star Hotel For Free For 600 Days

Unbelievable what he managed to get away with! In a startling case that has captured attention, a man in India is believed to have successfully extended his stay at a prestigious five-star hotel in Delhi for nearly two years without settling the bill. The shocking revelation came to light when managers at Roseate House, located […]

Neymar Admits To Cheating On Pregnant Girlfriend

A public declaration of regret and redemption       Brazilian football icon Neymar has publicly apologized to his pregnant girlfriend, Bruna Biancardi, following his infidelity. The renowned athlete, aged 31, composed a lengthy statement admitting his “mistake” while expressing his desire to salvage their relationship.   Neymar and social media influencer Bruna, aged 28, […]

STUDY FINDS: People With Blue Eyes Tend To Drink More Alcohol

  A fascinating discovery emerged as researchers delved into a vast database comprising thousands of individuals with alcohol dependency. By meticulously examining the results, an intriguing observation came to light.   Within the database, the researchers selectively identified 1,263 samples, excluding individuals with European ancestry. Dr. Sulovari astutely noticed a potential correlation between a person’s […]

Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg Agree To Hold Cage Fight

  Are you team Musk or team Zuck? 🥊       Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, two of the world’s most prominent technology billionaires, have agreed to compete in a cage match.   Mr Musk said on his Twitter account that he was “up for a cage fight” with Mr Zuckerberg.        […]

Busker Benny Goes Viral For Singing Malayalam Song

Benny Grima, Valletta’s very own busker has become an internet sensation in just a few days!  In a reel shared by @vishnuak_47 where Benny is singing in Malayalam, one of India’s classical languages flawlessly.  Within just five days, the video has already amassed a staggering 620K views and 77K likes!  Fans can’t help but applaud […]

Gas Explosion In Paris Leaves 37 People Injured

A large explosion in central Paris has caused injuries to 37 people, including four serious cases.     The incident occurred in a building that housed a design school and the Catholic education system headquarters on Rue Saint-Jacques. Emergency workers are currently searching through the wreckage, as one person is still missing. Witnesses reported a […]

TV Series Coming Back To Our Screens This Summer

Cue The Confetti Canons And Grab Your Favourite Snack! 🍿 If you find yourself looking for new television series to watch, don’t worry we got the ultimate list for this summer’s returning series! It’s time to clear our calendars, gather our friends, and embrace the excitement of summer TV. The Witcher – Season 3: 29th […]

Best Advise We Learnt From the Islanders Parents

We all need our parents advice sometimes!   Some of the parental advise from last nights show really stuck to us, so here are a few of our favourite quotes/moments from the islander’s parents.   “All relationships have their ups and downs”     “The wanted to break you but they didn’t manage”   “I […]