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Twins Give Birth In The Same Hospital At The Same Time

Twins Birth Hospital


Twin telepathy on another level!


These twin sisters gave birth at the same time, in the same hospital and they both had boys.



Identical twins Gillianne and Nicole are even twinning in motherhood after they fell pregnant at the same time and giving birth only 5 hours apart at Epworth Freemasons in east Melbourne.


Identical twins Nicole Patrikakos, Gillianne Gogas give birth on same day | Herald Sun


The similarities don’t stop here though, because they were even delivered by the same obstetrician who confirmed that the boys shared the exact weight of 3.5kg and said that the cousins are basically biological brothers.


“The timing, you just can’t plan something like that. So yeah, disbelief, shock, excitement, all of those emotions.” – Gillianne to 9News.