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Tickets For Christina Aguilera Concert Are Out Now

Tickets out now! 🤩


You can now get your tickets for the highly anticipated Christina Aguilera concert that will be happening on the 16th of September as part of the Europride 2023 celebrations 🥳 Although it’s a free concert, you still need to register for tickets to enter in order to ensure a safe and secure event ❤

The Official EuroPride Valletta Concert feat. CHRISTINA AGUILERA poster

If you’re looking to join the PRIDE MARCH celebration, no tickets are required! Simply be a part of the parade whenever you’re ready to join in the festivities.

🎵 For all the concert enthusiasts out there, grab the CONCERT ONLY ticket and rock out with us!
💫 Experience the ultimate celebration by choosing the PRIDE MARCH + CONCERT ticket, offering the best of both worlds for a fantastic day!

🎟️ Maximum of 4 tickets per person. Let’s come together and create history!

Get your tickets from:—ALLIED-RAINBOW-COMMUNITIES-MALTA/The-Official-EuroPride-Valletta-Concert-feat-CHRISTINA-AGUILERA

