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Car That Drives On Water Introduced In Gozo

From the road to the sea 👋   The compact and vivid car cruising down the steep road towards the stunning Mġarr ix-Xini bay is a sight that’s hard to overlook. Yet, the real head-turner comes when it gracefully glides down the slipway and directly into the sea. Mark Zarb Cousin, one of the owners, […]

NASA Can Turn 98% Of Pee & Sweat Into Drinking Water

Turning astronauts’ ‘liquid gold’ into the elixir of space exploration!   NASA has achieved the remarkable feat of recycling urine into clean drinking water, a concept that may unsettle even the most resilient individuals. Onboard the International Space Station, astronauts have successfully recovered an impressive 98% of the water they bring with them into space, […]