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Performing Acts Of Kindness Reduces Anxiety

New research confirms the health benefits of acts of kindness and aiding others!



A study, published in Psychological Bulletin, analyzed over 198,000 participants across 201 studies, discovering that spontaneous random acts of kindness have the most profound impact on well-being. The international team from University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Anglia Ruskin University, and University of Cambridge highlighted the significance of altruism, cooperation, trust, and compassion for a well-functioning society.


Among these, informal giving – like assisting neighbors – showed the strongest connection to overall health, fostering diverse social connections. Notably, kindness exhibited a greater link to ‘eudaimonic well-being,’ focusing on realizing one’s potential and life’s true meaning. Demographics played a role, with younger individuals experiencing enhanced psychological well-being, while older participants saw improvements in physical functioning. Women, across ages, displayed stronger health ties to prosocial behavior compared to men.
