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Obsessing Over Celebrities Is Linked To Lower Intelligence

Well, that explains it 🤣



New research suggests that individuals who are obsessed with Hollywood gossip and celebrity culture might exhibit lower cognitive abilities.


According to a study conducted in Hungary and published in BMC Psychology, a clear connection was established between intense celebrity adoration and poorer performance in cognitive assessments.


The study involved 1,763 adults who underwent a range of cognitive tasks, including a 30-word vocabulary test and a digit symbol substitution test. Alongside these assessments, participants completed a “celebrity attitude scale” questionnaire, designed to gauge their level of interest in famous personalities.


This questionnaire consisted of simple “yes” or “no” responses to various statements. These statements probed into aspects like the compulsion to delve into their favourite celebrity’s personal life, an obsession with intricate details of a celebrity’s daily routine, and a willingness to engage in potentially unlawful acts if asked by their favourite celebrity.


The study’s findings concluded that those who scored highest on the celebrity attitude scale also displayed lower performance on the two cognitive ability tests.


What do you think of these findings?
