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Marigold Launches Pink Oct-Movember Campaign 2023

Marigold have launched the Pink Oct – Mov ’23 Campaign🙌




For the 8th consecutive year, the Nationwide Pink Oct – Mov ’23 Campaign has made a grand return! This campaign was officially launched today by Michelle Muscat, Chairperson of The Marigold Foundation, with the patronage of Mrs. Miriam Vella, the First Lady.

This year, the campaign, carrying the slogan “Don’t Stand Still,” is dedicated to raising awareness about common cancers affecting both women and men, including breast, ovarian, cervical, testicular, and prostate cancer. The primary message encourages individuals to perform self-checks and undergo testing. Additionally, the campaign emphasizes preventive measures such as HPV vaccination.

In tandem with its educational and preventive initiatives, the campaign aims to shed light on the mental health challenges faced by cancer survivors, patients, and caregivers. It seeks to break the silence and encourage people to seek support, recognizing the often-overlooked aspect of mental well-being in the cancer journey.

The public is urged to watch out for campaign messages across various media channels, including radio, billboards, TV ads, social media, and online posts, to learn how to take proactive steps and maintain regular self-care.

The Pink October-Movember campaign has always used eye-catching visuals to capture attention and inspire action. This year, nude stone and marble statues, representing areas affected by common cancers, serve as a poignant reminder of the campaign’s theme, “Don’t Stand Still.” These statues freeze a moment in time, prompting us to pause and reflect on our responsibility to care for our bodies.

Prominent clinicians and surgeons in Malta, including Dr. Nick Refalo, Clinical Chair of SAMOC, Dr. Kristel Von Brockdorff, Consultant Oncologist, and Dr. Danika Marmara, Cancer Pathways Director, emphasized the campaign’s crucial role in raising awareness and educating the public.

The Annual Nationwide Pink Oct – Mov ’23 Campaign is led and organized by The Marigold Foundation. As in previous years, donations collected will contribute to a national fund, supporting breast care and cancer NGOs for research and education.

Generous donations will potentially fund the first Cancer Community Outreach Project in collaboration with the Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre.

To support Pink Oct-Mov ’23, please visit the Pink October Movember Facebook Page or Instagram, or check out pinkoctobermovembermalta for more information on this month’s events or donate using the following contact details:


  • SMS Donations: 50619238 for €11.65
  • CALL Donations: 51702052 (€15) or 51802053 (€25)
  • MOBILE PAY: 99912373 for amounts up to €500

Calendar Of Events


• 26th September – Official Launch of the PNK OCT MOV’23 Campaign, under the Patronage of First Lady Mrs. Miriam Vella, Howard Gardens, Rabat.
• 1st October – The Great PNK OCT MOV’ 23 Bike Ride: From Rabat to Rabat, 9.00 am
• 1st – 17th October – Shade It Pink – Nationwide Light It Pink by the Local Council Regions. Offices, homes and shops are urged to participate.
-3rd October, 9.00 am WalK Off the Pink Zebra Walk In Rabat, Malta
• 9th – 13th October Join Us at MCast Freshers Week in Poala, Mosta and Gozo
•11th October – “The Hilda Schembri Memorial Lecture”, organised by Europa Donna Malta, UOM Valletta Campus
• 15th October – Europa Donna’s Celebration of BREAST HEALTH DAY, Zumba Morning
• 21st October – Second Edition of the Pink Conversations in collaboration with Barths University and the Gozo General Hospital : ‘A Gozo Reality and more … A discussion on Cancer treatment in Gozo and the importance of Mental Health’.
22nd October : Walk organised by Europa Donna Malta ‘Race for the Cure’ (Internernational Fund for Research) . For donations towards the Malta Cause kindly donate to PNK Oct-Nov’ 23 Fund as below.
-28th October and 29th October – MFA Games dedicated to PNK OCT MOV’23
• 11th November – The Starry Night LIFESTAR Gala Dinner hosted by BACCHUS, Mdina in aid of PNK OCT MOV’23
• Information talks at schools, football nurseries, offices, local councils and entities to be scheduled with The Marigold Foundation.
27th, 28th, 29th November: DONATION OPEN DAYS at THE MEETING PLACE, Marsa.