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Gala Night Organised On November 9th In Aid Of Pink October Movember Malta

As the PinkOctoberMovember Malta campaign comes to a close, a grand gala will light up the night to celebrate two impactful months dedicated to cancer awareness, education, and empowerment. This annual campaign, designed to raise awareness and foster a positive approach to life beyond cancer, has inspired many to engage in prevention, early detection, and […]

Pink October & Movember Malta Launch New Campaign ‘#powerwithin’

Last week, Pink October and Movember launched their campaign #PowerWithin for #PinkOctoberMovember2024 under the leadership of Minister of Health Jo Etienne Abela. Under the theme ‘The Power Within’, the  campaign Pink October Movember was launched, aiming to raise awareness about five different types of cancer while also collecting funds that will be used for another […]

Marigold Launches Pink Oct-Movember Campaign 2023

Marigold have launched the Pink Oct – Mov ’23 Campaign🙌       For the 8th consecutive year, the Nationwide Pink Oct – Mov ’23 Campaign has made a grand return! This campaign was officially launched today by Michelle Muscat, Chairperson of The Marigold Foundation, with the patronage of Mrs. Miriam Vella, the First Lady. […]