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Jellyfish Extract Can Be Used As Protein Shakes

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Story and photo via Times of Malta

In an innovative effort to combat the overpopulation of jellyfish in the sea, scientists are exploring a unique approach. Their strategy involves grinding up jellyfish to create an extract with diverse applications in agriculture and pharmaceuticals, ultimately helping to control jellyfish numbers.

By applying a technique typically used for processing discarded fish parts like heads and tails, researchers aim to extract valuable proteins from jellyfish remnants. This resulting extract has various applications, from serving as animal feed in agriculture to being incorporated into products designed to combat inflammation.

Marine biologist Alan Deidun highlighted the significant achievement of condensing the large volume of jellyfish into a concentrated, protein and collagen-rich extract during a recent demonstration. Collagen, crucial for healthy joints, is a key component of this extract.

On the left, a bucket filled with jellyfish and extract (centre), while the right bucket contains mucus from the jellyfish.

Photo via Times of Malta

This collaborative initiative between Italy and Malta utilizes a mobile lab called the Fish Residue Automated Processing (FRAP) Unit, currently stationed in Malta. Within the FRAP Unit, jellyfish are transformed from gelatinous masses into a liquid mixture. The extracted juice is stored and later dried, earning it the playful nickname “protein shake.”

The process involves grinding and blending the jellyfish into a viscous liquid, followed by the introduction of acid. This mixture is then stored in odor-resistant containers, with the option to sell it as animal feed or further process it for research and pharmaceutical purposes.

Deidun emphasized the non-toxic nature of the process, employing citric acid, a readily available natural acid. As each jellyfish weighs over a kilogram, the volume of extract that can be derived from these creatures can accumulate rapidly.

This marks the first step in Malta’s innovative approach to considering jellyfish as a valuable resource. The mobility of the FRAP Unit allows it to be deployed wherever needed, making it a versatile tool for waste reduction and resource extraction. Additionally, Deidun highlighted the practical value of jellyfish mucus in water filtration, further expanding the potential uses of these often troublesome sea creatures.
