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Tickets By Transport Malta Double Since 2021

Around 60% more fines were issued, more than double, by Transport Malta in a year.




In Parliament, Minister Aaron Farrugia stated that 15,287 fines were issued in 2020, 11,480 in 2021, and 24,500 in 2022.

Nationalist MP Ivan Bartolo asked Minister for Transport Aaron Farrugia about the number of fines issued between 2020 and 2022.

Farrugia replied that the payments, as well as the contestation of each infringement, are not managed by Transport Malta. Therefore, the information on how many fines were not paid should be addressed to the relevant Ministry.

The number of Police fines almost doubled as well, from 42,910 issued in 2020 to 79,107 issued in 2022, with 87,637 fines issued in 2021.
