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STUDY FINDS: Mario Kart Is the Most Stressful Game To Play

Do you agree? 👀   The research involved skilled gamers in the task of determining the most exhilarating video games. Games such as Skyrim and Call of Duty were subjected to analysis 🎮⁠   ⁠ The results revealed that during a 30-minute session, “Mario Kart” led to a remarkable 32.81% elevation in heart rate, which […]

Men Are More Sensitive To Stress Than Women

Study finds a contrast to stereotypical gender belief.. Gender-differentiated stress responses have come under scrutiny in recent research, suggesting that men may bear the brunt of its impact.   This novel study has far-reaching implications, potentially tailoring therapeutic approaches for conditions like depression and obesity. In this investigation, scientists at the Weizmann Institute and the […]