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You Could Win €9K To Give Up Your Phone For 1 Month

Do you have what it takes? 💰 Siggi’s, the yogurt company, has introduced a fresh competition challenging individuals to endure a month without their phones, labeling it the Digital Detox Programme. The concept is straightforward—participants are encouraged to forsake their smartphones for a month, investigating whether this could cultivate healthier habits. Siggi’s is seeking a […]

Finland Introduces First Mobile Free Island

Need some time away from technology? Look no further!   An island in Finland is urging tourists to switch off their phones and embrace a digital detox this summer, aiming to become the world’s first phone-free tourist zone.   During the summer season, countless social media users capture and share their holiday experiences online. However, […]

New Battery Can Charge Your Phone In 60 Seconds

A breakthrough discovery!     A team of scientists from Stanford University achieved a remarkable feat by creating a revolutionary battery capable of fully charging a smartphone in just 60 seconds.   Unlike traditional lithium-ion batteries, these new aluminium-based batteries showed promise as a safer alternative, eliminating the occasional risk of combustion. The ground-breaking invention […]