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Men’s Support Groups See 80% Caller Increase Since Baby Reindeer Aired

A male sexual abuse charity reported an astonishing 80% rise in first-time callers since the premiere of Baby Reindeer.



We Are Survivors, a charity based in Manchester, provides support for men, including trans and non-binary individuals, who have experienced sexual abuse, rape, and sexual exploitation.

The organization disclosed that following the release of the popular Netflix series, which depicts a comedian being persistently harassed and stalked by a woman for over four years while also confronting his own sexual abuse, they have been “overwhelmed” with new referrals.


In the initial two weeks after the show’s release, the charity observed an 80% increase in first-time callers seeking support.

Notably, 53% of these new referrals mentioned Baby Reindeer as the reason for reaching out for help. The charity also experienced a 40% rise in referrals from individuals aged 26 to 35.