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Almost 50% Of Malta Thinks They Are Going To Heaven

Do you believe in heaven ?

Fresh research findings indicate that a substantial portion of the Maltese populace views death as a means to escape suffering, and nearly half harbor beliefs in an existence after life.

In a survey encompassing 400 participants, 46% conveyed some level of agreement with the statement “I will find myself in a heavenly realm following my demise,” whereas 31% expressed disagreement, and 23% remained uncertain.

This investigation, conducted by the Faculty for Social Wellbeing at the University of Malta during the summer and reported by Times of Malta, disclosed that individuals over the age of 65 exhibited the strongest faith in the concept of heaven and an afterlife.

Within this demographic, approximately 32% eagerly anticipated reuniting with loved ones after death. Furthermore, a significant 78% shared the belief that death represents a release from pain and suffering, a sentiment more pronounced among the older age groups.

The study also hinted at a tendency in Maltese culture to shy away from discussions about death, with 47% expressing varying degrees of disagreement and 21% adopting a neutral stance toward the statement “Maltese culture and society are open to discussing death.”

Data collection was facilitated by the research firm Sagalytics, which conducted telephone interviews with 400 individuals aged 18 and above during the summer. The Death Attitude Profile-Revised (DAP-R), a psychological assessment tool, was used to assess attitudes and beliefs concerning death and dying.

Survey respondents assigned ratings to statements on a Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree). Findings revealed that 69% strongly agreed that “death is undoubtedly a somber experience,” averaging a score of 6.26 out of 7. While 67% acknowledged death’s inevitability as a natural and undeniable event, a sense of fear remained prevalent.

More than half of the respondents (59%) admitted that the thought of their own mortality induces anxiety, and 51% disclosed that they actively steer clear of contemplating death. Interestingly, only 46% reported an intense fear of death, while 13% remained undecided on the matter.
