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You Can Pay Someone To Be In Traffic For You In Beijing

Should we start introducing this service locally ?🤣   As per reports in the media, a solution has been introduced in Beijing, China, aimed at helping individuals avoid the frustration of being trapped in traffic jams. Dubbed “Jam Busting,” this innovative service empowers those ensnared in traffic snarls to secure their escape by making a […]

Having A Sister Can Boost Your Health & Self Esteem

Tag your sister to let her know 🥰 A recently published research study in the Journal of Family Psychology has shed light on the positive impact of having a sister on one’s mental well-being and self-esteem. This study, conducted by a team of researchers from Brigham Young University, has uncovered valuable insights into how sisters […]

4 Memorable Performances From Last Night’s X Factor

New stars were on our screens last night       The fourth episode of season 4 on X Factor Malta brought continued excitement to the viewers! It featured remarkable talents and unforgettable moments….   Richard Aquilina, aged 27, has been singing since childhood. However, this marked his debut performance in front of an audience. […]