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179 Call Saves Suicidal Man At Ta’ Cenc Gozo

Trigger warning ⚠️

In the past hours, a foreign man who was contemplating ending his life was saved by the Police.
The man called the helpline 179 and stated his intention to jump from a height. He refused to disclose his exact location during the call.
Meanwhile, as the man ended the call, the 179 operator managed to retrieve the man’s mobile number. Immediately, a report was filed with the Police, who managed to locate the man and prevent him from jumping from a cliff in Ta’ Ċenċ, Gozo.
The Police and an ambulance provided assistance at the scene, and the man was taken to the Gozo General Hospital for assessment and the necessary care.
This success story, in which the 179 helpline operators played a crucial role, managed by the Agency Appoġġ within the Foundation for Social Welfare Services (FSWS), is one of the daily phone calls that, thanks to timely interventions and coordinated efforts between various entities, save lives.
⚠️ If you’re experiencing suicidal thoughts, reach out to 179
