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Man Spends Life Savings To Send 33 People To College

Man Life Savings People College

  Dale Schroeder from Iowa put in a lot of work for the same business during a 67-year period.   Despite having no family and a humble upbringing, he got a substantial fortune. It was discovered after his death in 2005 that he had been saving for a very important goal.     He had told his lawyer about his intention before his death and mentioned that he wanted to support children in attending college as he had never been able to do so.   Ultimately, 33 strangers were able to pursue further education thanks to his legacy.     Thanks to Schroeder’s amazing generosity, this group, now known as “Dale’s kids,” went on to become doctors, teachers, therapists, and more.   The only thing Schroeder asked of them was to “pay it forward.” They can’t pay him back, but they can honour his memory by carrying on his legacy of helping others in overcoming obstacles to education related to […]

Study Finds People Actually Become Adults In Their 30s

Study Adults People 30

  What are your thoughts on this?   According to recent studies, people don’t become adults until they’re in their 30s.   “To have a definition of when you move from childhood to adulthood looks increasingly absurd… It’s a much more nuanced transition that takes place over three decades.” – Professor Peter Jones from Cambridge […]

56% Of Maltese People Say Our Economy Is Doing Well

Maltese People Economy

  56% of Maltese said Malta’s economy and the financial situation at home is doing well.     However, inflation was considered the biggest challenge faced by Maltese people.   This data came from a recent Eurobarometer survey about life in the EU during Spring.   The survey was carried out during last June.   […]

AI Glasses Will Tell You What People Think About You

AI Glasses People

A tech expert predicts that in the future, AI glasses will let humans detect lies and attractions from other people. The expert, Devin Liddell, says that this technological advancement will be inevitable. He revealed that the glasses will have advanced computer vision that help the person wearing it understand emotions and details beyond human sight. […]