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Man Finds 82-Foot-Long Dinosaur In His Backyard

Man Dinosaur Backyard

  The greatest discovery in Europe may have been made by a Portuguese guy who found an 82-foot-long dinosaur skeleton in his property.     The sauropod specimen, from between 160 and 100 million years ago, was discovered in Pombal in 2017 during construction. It has ribs that are nearly 10 feet long and is […]

Town Breaks Record For Most People In Dino Costumes

Jurassic times call for Jurassic measures 🦖   As the sun illuminated the streets of this small town, a remarkable sight unfolded. In a stunning display of collective enthusiasm, over 1,100 individuals transformed Dundurn into a prehistoric haven, defying expectations and forging a truly unique Guinness World Record.   On this memorable Canada Day, the […]