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Pope Says Church May Start Blessing Same Sex Couples

The Pope proves that love wins every time! 🌈🙏

Pope Francis has proposed the potential blessing of same-sex unions in a recent public response to cardinals who questioned his support for the LGBTQ community in the Catholic Church.

In a July letter, written in Spanish, he reiterated the Church’s well-established understanding of marriage as an exclusive, enduring, and unbreakable union between a man and a woman, naturally open to procreation, as reported by Vatican News. However, he emphasized the importance of “pastoral charity,” stating, “Defending objective truth is not the sole expression of this charity; it also encompasses kindness, patience, understanding, tenderness, and encouragement. Therefore, we should not be judges who merely deny, reject, and exclude.” He further noted that “pastoral prudence must carefully discern whether there are forms of blessing, requested by one or more individuals, that do not promote a misconceived notion of marriage.”

This move garnered applause from LGBTQ advocates worldwide.
